Tuesday, October 19, 2010

i talked to jesus today

"It's harder to break a proud person than it is to redeem a broken one."

Jesus told me this while I was walking earlier today.
But I don't really have much to say about it.
I'm not sure what I would say.
So I'll just let it speak for itself.
Let the Holy Spirit talk.

 Because, really, there's not much more I can add.

Just remember, "it's harder to break a proud person than it is to redeem a broken one."

Sunday, October 17, 2010

little bitty pretty things

Sometimes, I think God uses the smallest things
to really get ahold of our attention.

It doesn't always have to be a huge life changing moment,
or some climatical event.

Just the small things.

More often than not, if we look for the small things, we'll see beauty. No matter how bad things are, or how hopeless situations are, or merely how boring something is. It's the small things that make a difference.

They're that little bit of light in the dark. That small something that suddenly makes everything seem not so overwhelming.

Like the rainbow reflecting off glass. Or the light in the mirror.

It's just one way Jesus says "I love you."

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

the eternally missing link

I was sitting at youth group tonight, and I was contemplating all the different essential things that God has taught me, trying to figure out which one would be MOST important.

So I thought about how it all goes back to Love. But Surrendering is also a huge aspect of things. Obedience too. And Disobedience and Rebellion = a big no-no. All the "essential" aspects of being a mini-Jesus.

I suppose that technically, they're all "essential" because they're what define God. And HE is essential.

I guess the confusing thing to me, is that I know somehow, some way, all those "essential" things are connected. That there is something my mind just can't totally wrap around. That "missing link".

And I know that it's Jesus.

I also know, that I'm not going to be able to fully understand it until I get to heaven.

Because Jesus, and the reality of who He is, goes way beyond our comprehension- no matter how much we study His life and His word, no matter how well "we know Him". Because until the veil is completely removed, we will never completely understand all the depth that is Jesus.

And guess what?

It'll take all of eternity for that veil to be removed.