Have I mentioned that I pretty much have THE coolest family in the world?
Because I do.
That's right, be jealous.
But it's okay if you are- I'm sure my family would bring you right in, and love on you, and make you feel welcome. Yeah, they're that sort of family. I'm super blessed to have them.
Perhaps, it's the way my brother always tries to twist the things I say or do, to fit his own personal reality. They way his big ole grin just lights up a room, or the millions of jokes he tells. He's an aweful lot like his Dad though. My dad.
Now, HE's a pretty amazing guy, let me tell you. Not only does he provide for us, but he really truly loves us- and we have no doubt of that. I think he's more ornery than the rest of my family combined, but he's probably sweeter too. He's just super sweet in subtle ways, and my oh my, I love getting coffee with Him.
Maybe it's the time at work I spent with my beautiful sister this morning. The way, after being stuck at home for over a week, she just couldn't shut up. Or it might be when we make french fries outside in thirty-five degree weather. Her eyes sparkle something fierce when she's happy. Her words are rather interesting too, but best of all is her sense of humor. Yeah, I think I'll always remember today.
Especially how my parents held me, just tonight, when one of my dreams came crashing around my feet.
They didn't tell me the things I 'needed' to hear. Or even the things I wanted. They didn't chastise or say 'I told you so'. They didn't flatter me with words just to make me feel better.
They just held me. And prayed for me. And held me some more.
[These are, and always will be, some of my favorite memories.]
What are some of your favorite memories?
The ones that stay with you forever?
With the people you love most?
With the people you love most?