Saturday, May 16, 2009


Earlier, I was laying outside in the grass and this kinda just came to me,

I love the sound

of the wind through the trees

As I lay in the grass

That goes up to my knees.

A gentle swishing,

The humming of grass,

Indulge the fantasies

Of a carefree lass.

The rays spill down

With an ethereal glow

Warm and bright

Like honeyed snow.

Fairy dust dances

Between petals so fair,

They color the beauty

That all flowers wear.

The songbirds sing

A song so sweet

To all the ladybirds

They wish to meet.

All the air buzzes

With the work of the bees

Taking sweet treasure

To their home in the trees.

The bird, the grass

The tree and the stone,

All join together,

Not one is alone,

And with one voice,

A song they all sing

Of the joy, the life

And the happiness of spring.


  1. Miss Julia,
    You continue to amaze me! I love how light-hearted, yet detailed this poem is! It makes you "feel" the Springtime! Great post, girlfriend!

  2. Yes, it definitely makes me feel the springtime. I love it. Very, very happy.
