Wednesday, July 29, 2009

For my Mama

Hey Mama,

This one's just for you.

It's a song that Sara and I wrote. I wanted to show you, but I couldn't get up the guts to do it in person... lol... I would've messed up a lot. And besides, doing it this way is special to me, cuz not only do I get to play and sing for you, I get to write for you too, and I can tell you exactly how I feel, without tripping over my tongue.

Anyways, the song is called Goodbye, and basically it's about realizing how time really is passing, and because of that how we need to live the time that we have to the fullest. It means so much to me, because, it's you guys, my family, that makes up my time right now. And that's what I want to embrace, because I don't know when it will end. I love you so much. And thankyou (and Daddy too), for teaching me, about everything. But especially, about family.

Love you forever <3



By Sara Glick and Julia Effrein

(verse 1)

Burning through our time

Never crossed my mind

Then it hit me

Now our time is ending

And the sun is setting

So goodbye, goodbye


As the dawn is rising

Will it be our last?

Many things have happened

So much time has passed

The day is alive

Start living in the now

Tomorrow may not come

Just live your life out loud

Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye

(verse 2)

It won't stay the same forever

This time- it's now or never

So decide

All our lives are changing

With many battles raging

So goodbye, goodbye

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Can I Love You?

Ok, so mostly I just want to share a conversation that Jesus and I had last night. Here goes:

Me: Hey Jesus

Jesus: Hey you, how are you?

Me: I'm really happy

Jesus: And why are you happy?

Me: Because I got to write

Jesus: See, you really do need to write

Me: It definitely helps

Jesus: (chuckling) Yep, it does, because you tend to over think things. You start a thought then change it, and change it, and change it again. All without ever finishing it. It helps if you have to put it into once concise thought.

Me: Yeah, looks like you're right again Jesus

Jesus: Of course I am, you goose

(Both laughing)

After a pause...

Jesus: Can I love you?

Me: Um yeah. Of course you can Jesus

Jesus: Can I show you how I love you?

Me: Yes

Right after I said yes, my heart began to swell with emotions so intense, I've never felt that way before. Never. I wanted to cry, to laugh, to sing, to scream, all at the same time but with such an all-consuming desire to let every single thing I felt inside me out. In any possible way, no matter how extreme. My heart was breaking inside me, yet at the same time, bursting with joy. I didn't know what to do. I was immobilized by this one simple, yet incredibly profound feeling- Love.

I really can't describe how it made me feel. It's something you have to experience for yourself. No words seems strong enough to convey the depth of that emotion. It was most agonizing yet intensely delightful feeling I've ever experienced.

And it stays with you.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Curious Contrarieties

As I sat here, lounging on my futon, waiting for a CD to finish downloading, I felt the urge to write. But there was a problem, I had no idea what to write. I hadn't experienced anything exciting, interesting, or even very funny lately. At least, nothing that begged to be written about. So as the question rolled around in my head, I let my eyes wander around my room, hoping for some sort of inspiration.

And that inspiration I found- my room. Well, actually, the THINGS in my room.

That probably doesn't sound very interesting, and more over, rather boring. But trust me, it isn't =). As my eyes scanned the room, I let my thoughts drift with them, aimlessly wrapping around each object that drifted into my sight.

It was the vast differences between all the subjects of my investigation that caught my attention. Here's an example:

To my right, numerous drawings and pictures color the otherwise bland wall. Sitting on top of a small dresser, a green and white motocross helmet gleams in the light. Brown and black, a giant plastic spider hangs halfway down the wall, looking as if he's going to jump onto anyone that sits on the futon. Spilling over the edge of the shelves, countless books crowd for standing space, infiltrating any open area. Leaning on a giant fuzzy chair, a guitar beckons to be played. Shining lightly, a ninja's throwing star hangs on the wall, while a long bo staff rests against it. A myriad of memories captured on film decorate any available space on an already packed desk, while many dirty and worn pointe shoes rest on the top. Contrasting the color behind it, my cousin's painting hangs slightly crooked above the bed. Standing tall, my yamaha keyboard holds plenty of music, while the nearby baskets contain piles of clothes. Anything green, black or white, put in it's rightful place.

Seeing all those different things makes me laugh. Becuase, if you didn't notice, they're so random. Yet so me. Each and every one of those items represent who I am, what I love. My room had become a reflection of my personality.

I didn't realize it, but I think most everyone's like that. Their identity becomes clear in the unnoticed things. Things such as the way your room looks, the condition you keep your car in, how you clean your bathroom. Just everyday things like that- your space. What you do with what you have, reflects you.

So, if you REALLY want to know somone... go invade their space. =)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Listen to the Music

Listen to the music

Hear it all around you

Riding on the wind

Blowing through the trees

Listen to the music

As it dances through your hair

It croons, it sighs

Yet we’re completely unaware

Listen to the music

As it whispers in your ear

Its rhythm, its melody-

A symphony unheard

Listen to the music

It sings a song so rare

Yet we walk on by

Without a passing care

Maybe if we stopped

Heard the music all around us

Our sense would assault us

And its beauty would astound us

So just listen to the music

Listen for His song

I wrote most of this a long time ago, but recently kinda finished it. It's not totally done and might change, as most everything I write does. But, here it is for now =)