Friday, December 25, 2009

Dream Numero Uno - Family

This is the first, and most important dream on my list. If I were to achieve none other than this alone, I would be greatly satisfied. Because at heart, I'm just a family sort of girl.
I love my family, My immediate family, my crazy but lovable extended family, my church family, my friends' families and even my work families. Family sets us apart from the world. A healthy, thriving family draws people to Jesus faster than a mosquito to flesh. It's what everyone longs for; it's in our hearts.
That's why I want family.
And guess what? I already have it, all around me. But, see, my dream goes further than that.
I don't want to just enjoy the family that the generations before me have fought for and preserved, I want to carry on the legacy.
Someday, I'd like to meet a guy who'd actually marry me and my craziness, and have my own family. Well, I guess, just add to the family. Maybe there's just something in a woman's make up that desires that, but maybe it's a God thing too. (Especially since we're made in God's image and all...) But I want to teach my kids, my grandkids and maybe even my great grandkids the things that are important in life. I want to show them how to love, tell them about the faithfulness of God. I want to teach them all the things I've learned, and all the things I'm still learning.
And about Family. Because God is Family. Just like He's love.
I want the chance to pass His Family on into the next generation, to keep raising up a People of God. 'Cause after all, it's what my family did for me.

1 comment:

  1. You've captured the "heart of God" for mankind Julia! "Father" wanted a family, so He sent his "Son" to make a way for us to come into the family! And you're right -- since we're made in His image and likeness -- we want to be in a family and to have a family! I love the statement "God is family!" Great post -- but more importantly -- great dream!
