Thursday, January 13, 2011


You know, I think I'm pretty weird sometimes.
Most of the time actually.
Like today.

But, I also think that the way I think, which I think is quite unusual, and the things I do because of the way I think, are the things, I think, that make me, me.

Try figuring that out, haha.

But seriously. We were in Bible class today, and we were talking for a little bit about the concept of time. And when you think about how, before God made all of us little creatures, it was just Him. It makes sense that He would want a family. 

And that He'd do whatever it would take to accomplish that, because before He even made us, we were in His hearts.

BUT! Back to the concept of time. 

There is no time. Well, not in eternity anyways. So in the time before Earth and our story, there was no time. 

Trippy, huh?

This is where I came to the conclusion that I'm weird. At least for today.

You see, the concept of 'no time', is not all that strange to me. And I decided to disclose this information during Bible class. I then proceeded to receive a few rather peculiar looks.

You see, I cannot verbally explain my reasoning- in this particular instance, and often, many others. It drives me absolutely to the edge of insanity at times- I have THE worst time trying to convey my thoughts and emotions through words.

I positively LOVE words and speech, and language, don't get me wrong. But they lack such a depth and meaning that we experience in life, especially in God. It's why people often say, "There are no words to describe it." Or, "Words escape me."

That's how I feel most of the time.

I think, (there we go again, me and my crazy thoughts) that it's because I don't think in words. (I wonder how many people do, actually. Since you can't quite be in other peoples heads, sadly.)

But unless I'm sitting down to write a blog post, song, or story in my head, or when I'm talking to myself, or when I'm practicing something I want to say to someone, I don't think in language.

At least in the language of words. I speak another language. One that I can only hope to describe. One that's filled with colors, emotions, feelings, impressions, moments, radiance and occasionally words. If only I could show you.

I also think, that's why I love colors so much. I think in colors. There's so much more to a color than simply it's hue. It can be vibrant or dull, or bight. It can be sad or happy, or sadly happy. There's a multitude of possibilities of meaning that one simple shade can hold.

Especially when you see Heaven's colors. That's why it's so hard to put it into words. It's hard to describe colors that aren't on Earth.

But anyways.

All of this was to say...

I think I know why I love to dance.

Because, without words, it's the one way I can fully tell Jesus what I'm thinking, and feeling. And other people too.

It's not healthy to keep all our thoughts caught up and trapped in that crazy, tangled web we call our minds. Maybe if we lived in heaven, and everything was perfect. But we don't. So we have to get it out, because it's usually flawed somewhere along the way. And besides, if you don't...
Your head just might implode someday.

Communication is essential. God is all about communication. You can't have healthy relationships without it. 

And God is a relationship.

So we need to communicate.

And that is why I love to dance.
And write music too.

But dance especially, 
because the only thing limiting me, is gravity.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, I LOVE this! You explained your crazy brain/thinking pretty well -- even I understood it! LOL! And let me just say -- Dance, girl, dance!!

    Awesome post!
