[God created man in His own image,
In the image of God He created him;
Male and female He created them.]
The other day, I finally sat down and played my piano.
Just to play it.
Just to play it.
Not to practice.
Not to figure out a song for worship.
But just to play.
And boy, let me tell you..
Just like God, we were made to create.
Whether it is just a taco, or perhaps a culture.
Either way, there's something inside us that desires to create.
To make a difference.
To leave some sort of mark on this crazy world.
To say, "I lived."
Just like God, there is satisfaction in the creation.
"And God saw that it was good."
"And God saw that it was good."
He says it over and over.
Because it really is good.
And there is a freedom in creativity.
When you can pour your heart out in something you create,
whether it's music or not, it really draws you into Jesus.
All the more.
{We were made to create}
i really enjoyed hearing this :)