Friday, December 25, 2009

Dream Numero Uno - Family

This is the first, and most important dream on my list. If I were to achieve none other than this alone, I would be greatly satisfied. Because at heart, I'm just a family sort of girl.
I love my family, My immediate family, my crazy but lovable extended family, my church family, my friends' families and even my work families. Family sets us apart from the world. A healthy, thriving family draws people to Jesus faster than a mosquito to flesh. It's what everyone longs for; it's in our hearts.
That's why I want family.
And guess what? I already have it, all around me. But, see, my dream goes further than that.
I don't want to just enjoy the family that the generations before me have fought for and preserved, I want to carry on the legacy.
Someday, I'd like to meet a guy who'd actually marry me and my craziness, and have my own family. Well, I guess, just add to the family. Maybe there's just something in a woman's make up that desires that, but maybe it's a God thing too. (Especially since we're made in God's image and all...) But I want to teach my kids, my grandkids and maybe even my great grandkids the things that are important in life. I want to show them how to love, tell them about the faithfulness of God. I want to teach them all the things I've learned, and all the things I'm still learning.
And about Family. Because God is Family. Just like He's love.
I want the chance to pass His Family on into the next generation, to keep raising up a People of God. 'Cause after all, it's what my family did for me.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Just a couple thoughts

Monday evening, my sister, my friend and I, bundled all up and bravely faced the frozen weather and slick roads to eat some food and see a movie. Panera Bread and The Princess and The Frog, to be exact. We had a fantastic time, the food tasted great, and the movie, although I'll never watch it again*, was hilarious.

Actually, it's the movie that made me think. You see, the movie is all about dreams. Dreaming big, chasing those dreams, and even if you don't ever see the fulfillment of those dreams, cherishing the things in life that are really important.

And the thing I've just realized- lately, and even for quite awhile now, I haven't been dreaming. I'm not sure why or even how long it's been like that, but it's changing. Back to the way it's supposed to be, because Jesus says to dream big.

And not only have I begun to dream again, but I've begun to see the fruit of those dreams. Because those dreams, they're the same ones I dreamed a long time ago. But with those dreams, revelation has come as well.

I'll save that for another day though :)

*The movie itself, really was great. It was just really filled with voodoo. More than I had expected, and way more than I was comfortable with. Especially for a children's movie.